Calculate You Treadmill’s Energy Usage

After the scary pandemic ravaged the world, keeping fit and healthy has become the goal of many. The good news is that plenty of ways to strengthen the body’s endurance exist. Running is one excellent cardio exercise. But while jogging outdoors has its appeal, there may be times when it’s not possible. There are also …

How to Calculate your Heat Pump’s Running Costs?

A heat pump is one of the ways you can keep your home snug and warm during winter. However, since it relies on electric power, you may worry about how much electricity the device consumes. You’ll be glad to know that heat pumps are more energy-efficient compared to traditional ways of heating your home. As …

Do Electric Kettles Use a Lot of Electricity?

When you feel a yearning for a quick cup of tea, warm milk, or coffee, an electric kettle will come in handy. Boiling water using an electric stove takes time as you’ll have to wait for the coils to heat up before that heat can even begin to warm the water in the pan. In …

The Top 5 Most Energy Efficient Dishwashers Today

It might seem counterintuitive to say that using dishwashers can help the environment. After all, these appliances use electricity and what may look like plenty of water per load or cycle. However, contrary to popular belief, doing the dishes using dishwashers requires less water than washing them by hand.   You may counter by saying that …

Electric Blankets, Are They Worth Your Money?

The winter months lead to higher heating demands, so it should come as no surprise if you see increases in your electricity costs. After all, running your central heating system 24/7 can be an expensive affair. Even space heaters use significant amounts of electricity, so you’ll inevitably be left with higher energy bills. That’s if …

Complete Guide on LED Lights [Data & Facts]

The lights used in homes have evolved through the years. From the humble candles and gas lamps, we now have a host of lighting solutions, such as the traditional incandescent bulbs to globes with light-emitting diodes. Technology advancements helped develop energy-efficient fixtures that can illuminate our living areas without consuming plenty of electricity.  LED bulbs …

Do you Know How Long Can a LightBulb Last?

The popularity of incandescent bulbs as the go-to lighting solutions has waned considerably as new technology produced the more widely used light emitting diode (LED) bulbs. One reason for the phase-out of incandescent bulbs is their short operating life compared to LEDs. A bulb of this type has a lifespan of about 1,000 to 2,000 …

A Simple Guide to Your Dishwasher’s Energy Consumption

Is it more environmentally friendly to wash dishes manually, or is using the dishwasher the greener way to do it? Washing dishes by hand may seem like a great way to push your energy consumption goals. However, contrary to what you may believe, using the dishwasher can help you minimize your water usage.  An increasing …

A Simple Guide For A Fan’s Energy Usage

Does your living space feel like an oven on hot days? Do you have no choice but to crank up your air conditioning system to get some relief? If that’s the case, your power consumption inevitably rises, along with the temperature.   However, there are ways to control your electricity costs without wilting in the heat. …

Using Natural Gas in Your Home, Is It Safe & Worth It?

Natural gas is a versatile and cost-effective fuel source. No wonder then that its consumption has steadily risen, not only in the country but across the globe. This power source is typically consumed for space and water heating. However, it can also provide energy for other appliances. Some homeowners even extend their gas lines to …

Coal as an Energy Source, Is It Renewable or Nonrenewable?

Coal, oil, and natural gas are fossil fuels and are nonrenewable resources. This means that they cannot be replenished at a rate fast enough to compete with other natural resources, such as biomass, wind, hydropower, and solar. In fact, coal and other fossil fuels take millions of years to replenish in natural conditions, making them …

Will an Attic Ventilation Fan Cool Your House?

As summer approaches, you may want to think of ways to lessen the heat and humidity in your home. Fortunately, you have plenty of options to do so. However, one frequently overlooked method of making your living space more comfortable is providing adequate attic ventilation.   Your attic space gets particularly hot because as the sun’s …

Why are Birds Safe Sitting on an Electric Wire?

It’s a fine, sunny day, and you’re out for a drive. Looking up, you see a flock of birds sitting contentedly on a stretch of power lines. Knowing about the dangers of electricity, do you ever wonder why they don’t go up in flames and turn into puffs of smoke when stepping on electrical wires? …

What Are The Things You Should Do Before/After a Power Surge?

Electricity has become a vital component of our life. Without it, we’ll have trouble doing even our simplest tasks. As such, we have devices and appliances plugged in and drawing power almost all the time. But while each utility company strives to provide a reliable electricity supply, a power surge can disrupt the process. Because …

Data & Facts About Rolling Blackouts [Safety Tips & Prevention]

You’re going about your daily business when suddenly, everything turns dark, and all your electronics stop working. Power cuts are not new to many electricity consumers. Surges in power demand plus an aging power grid make outages regular occurrences. Still, it’s no fun being left in the dark, and you may wonder what’s happening. There …

24 Ways to Lower Your Apartment’s Power Bill

Living in your own home gives you more control over your utility expenses, including your electric bill. But what if present circumstances dictate that you rent an apartment in the meantime? Does that mean you’re doomed to paying a high energy bill month after month? Not necessarily.  Fortunately, you can implement easy measures to lower …

Does Paying Your Energy Bills Help Your Credit Score?

Utility bills are a form of credit, which many may not realize. Your utility company and the power provider track your utility payments and make a profile of you as a regular paying customer. This type of profile, or credit history, can then interfere with your future utility bills, setting up additional utility services, and …

Do You Know How Much Are Monthly Utilities for A Single Person?

An average monthly electric bill in the US is $100-120 per month. Furthermore, an average American family has 2.6 members, which brings the average electric bill per person down to some $40. However, there is more to it, as each new household member does not add the same amount of electricity use to the electric …

How Many Watts Does it Take to Run A Microwave?

A microwave oven is a very practical appliance: it can cook some simple foods (no meats, please) and can reheat your leftovers. However, the energy consumption of a microwave oven is not low, so it is important to know how much power most microwaves use. A countertop microwave uses less power than a build-in large …

A Simple Guide on Solar Panel Output Checking

If you would like or already have added solar panels to your home, testing solar panels for their output is an important thing to do. This will enable you to better understand how much solar power your panels can generate, what their solar output is during the day, and finally, what is the solar panel …

Finding the Best Price for Electricity in Texas in 2024

If you live in Texas and would like to shop for low electricity rates, you should know the basics first. These basics about how the energy market in Texas works will help you make a good decision and will help you to better understand your electricity bill. With several dozen electricity companies and electricity providers, …

Helping the Environment By Reducing Resource Consumption [Impacts & Methods]

Although not readily apparent, conserving the earth’s natural resources benefit the environment. When we conserve resources, such as fossil fuels, we delay their depletion. This ensures that future generations will have some left for their use. Moreover, resource conservation also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This lowers air pollution and mitigates the impact of climate change. …

Electric Bill Scams: How to Detect & Avoid Them?

Many scammers are aware that many energy suppliers have recently increased their energy prices. For this reason, they often call or visit your home, offering a much lower energy rate, usually lower than the one your energy provider can offer you. These are known as energy scams, and your energy provider is almost never behind …

Everything You Need to Know When Changing Your Utilities

If you are moving, you should consider switching utility companies. Your current utility company does not have to be the same as the utility company in the area you are moving to, so staying aware of this and acting early enough can save you a lot of headaches when you need to transfer utilities. Utility …

Which Cities in Texas Are Poised for Explosive Growth?

Texas is the second-most populous state in the nation. With so many people moving or starting families in the area, it’s only natural that there would be multiple fast-growing cities in the Lone Star State.   A huge land area along with a steady economic growth are some reasons behind the spurt in population in Texas. …

Power Outages: How Do Brownout and Blackout Differ?

The U.S. has an electrical grid that is national pride. With over 120,000 miles of power cables and over 500 power supply companies working on it, it is one of the most advanced and complex in the world. However, even this electrical grid is not without faults.  Any energy provider will inform you that power …

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Budget Billing 2024

Utility bills! Ugh! There’s no escaping from them, it seems. They’re like a bad dream on a loop because they keep coming month after month. While we can’t get out of paying for our utilities, there’s a way to lessen the amount they drain from our monthly budget. That’s by availing of programs offered by …

How do you Produce Electricity using Geothermal Energy?

We are racing against time to find cleaner, more efficient energy sources to power our ever-increasing addiction to electricity. One potential source that we’ve barely tapped is geothermal energy – the hot air and water deep inside the Earth. Is it possible that the answer lies underneath our feet? Let’s dig in and learn how …

Wind Turbines: Generating Electricity from Wind Energy

Have you ever seen a wind turbine? If you have, you’ll surely agree that those gigantic blades turning in the wind are a sight to behold. You’ve also probably wondered how a wind turbine works and managed to turn those enormous propellers. It’s mind-boggling, really, considering that the bigger ones have to be transported in trucks with 100-foot trailers.   But …

Everything You Need to Know About Energy Service Disconnection

At some point in your life, you might have found yourself struggling financially, and thus unable to bear your expenses. Things don’t always turn out as planned. For instance, a natural calamity, such as the February 2021 winter storm, can turn the tables against you in no time. An unprecedented visit to the hospital can …

Selecting the Best Siding Material for your Home

As the world faces the threat of climate change, many homeowners factor energy efficiency when renovating their homes. But creating an energy-efficient home not only helps with the efforts to hold back global warming. It’s good for the pocket, too, as it leads to savings on energy costs.   Several elements work together to make a …

The Amish Community: Do they Use Electricity or Not?

Have you ever imagined a life without electricity? Can you live without this power source? Probably not since electricity drives almost everything in today’s modern world. But there’s a protestant group in the country who aren’t as dependent on electricity as most of us. We’re talking about the Amish people.   Because of their views on …

What Happens When You Close Air Vents? Facts vs Myths

Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature uses a lot of energy. That’s because heating and cooling usually comprise half of your total electricity use. Closing air vents in unused rooms may be one energy-saving tip you’re probably considering. If you haven’t started employing that strategy, we advise you not to do so.   Contrary to …

The History of Wind Energy

Wind energy advances have been closely watched by renewable energy enthusiasts over the past decade. It stands to reason – not only is it the fastest-growing power source in the United States, but it also adds 100,000 jobs and 14.2 gigawatts of generation capacity to the economy annually. The energy produced from wind is clean, …

Fixed vs. Variable Rate Energy Plans, What Should you Choose?

Choosing the perfect energy plan for your household is an important aspect of your personal finance and can largely affect how much you can end up paying for your electricity and gas bills. Fortunately, energy plans only come in two types – variable rate and fixed rate.  Choosing between the two of them can be …

What are the Differences Between Gas & Electric Dryers?

Hands up for those who hate doing the laundry. It can be quite a chore, right? But imagine if you have to hand wash and air dry your clothes and bedding just like in the old days. Luckily, we don’t have to do that anymore, thanks to modern appliances and devices.  Take the clothes dryer, …

Tips on How to Lessen your Energy Distribution Charges

When you look at your electric bills, you may have noticed the electricity delivery charges that are included every month. We often have questions about what these charges are and why they are so high. While electricity delivery charges are part and parcel of receiving electricity from the grid, there is a real possibility that …

Nstar price increase

BGE Customers To Pay 12% More For Electricity

Households in Maryland will find themselves likely paying higher electricity rates as Baltimore Gas & Electric, the 200-year-old electricity and gas distribution network with 1.6M customers filed new residential rates for the three-month period starting October 1, 2021. For Schedule R residential customers, this means a 12% increase, from the current rate of 6.166¢ per …

Nstar price increase

Penn Power Default Rates To Go Up By 26%

Pennsylvanian households and businesses served by the utility company Penn Power will pay more for electricity from June 2021, if the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) approves new tariffed residential and commercial default rates, filed by the group of FirstEnergy Pennsylvania utilities. Penn Power serves approximately 165,000 customers within 1,100 square miles of western Pennsylvania. …

Nstar price increase

Penelec Default Rates To Go Up By 30%

Pennsylvanian households and businesses served by the utility company Penelec will pay more for electricity from June 2021, if the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) approves new tariffed residential and commercial default rates, filed by the group of FirstEnergy Pennsylvania utilities. Penelec serves approximately 585,000 customers within 17,600 square miles of northern and central Pennsylvania. …

Nstar price increase

Met-Ed Default Rates To Go Up By 23%

Pennsylvanian households and businesses served by the utility company Met-Ed will pay more for electricity from June 2021, if the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) approves new tariffed residential and commercial default rates, filed by the group of FirstEnergy Pennsylvania utilities. Met-Ed serves about 560,000 customers within 3,300 square miles of eastern and southeastern Pennsylvania. …

peco energy rate increase 2019

PECO Prices To Compare Increasing On June 1

Electricity customers in Pennsylvania might experience changes to their residential electricity bills, starting June 1, 2021. PECO has filed with the Pennsylvania PUC for new mass Prices to Compare (PTCs) across all customer categories – Residential (R, RH), General Service (GS), Primary – Distribution Power (PD), and High – Tension Power (HT). The new proposed …

kW and kWh: A Detailed Explanation

When you get your electricity bill, the chances are high that you look at the total cost first. Most likely, you stop at that and don’t bother examining the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) you’ve consumed. Maybe you don’t even know what those numbers mean and what’s the difference between a kW and a kWh. Well, …

What Are Peak Hours for Business?

As a business owner, you are probably always searching for opportunities to find savings that can be reinvested into growing your company. Electricity can be a big cost item so if you haven’t yet heard about TOU rates, it might be the time to see whether you can save a lot of money by switching …

Is Electric Cooperative Different Than a Utility?

If you are a city dweller, you might never have even heard the term electric cooperative. However, for those living in the rural areas of the U.S., cooperatives have long represented the only option to get access to reliable, affordable electricity. Still today, electricity cooperatives supply electricity to many homes and businesses within America. Let’s …

Electricity Bill for One Bedroom Apartment

You have just signed the lease for your new apartment and you are ready to start your adventure, but there is one thing weighing you down. How much will the expenses be? Will the utilities be expensive? Estimating Texas your power bills can go a long way in providing you some peace of mind. Learning …

Can You Convert Plastic to Oil?

When the first piece of plastic was produced in 1907 to be used as an insulator, no one could really foresee the scale of the global plastic production that would ensue a mere 100 years later. The US now produces about 286 pounds of plastic waste per person per year and is widely considered one …

What is Prepaid Electricity?

Prepaid Electricity: What is it? Pay-as-you-go (prepaid) electricity is an electric plan where you are able to pay for electricity before you use it – so that you can control how much is it going to cost you each month. Think of a prepaid phone- you top up, you use your credit to make calls …

What Are the Pros and Cons Of Leasing Solar Panels?

There has never been a better time to bet on solar power – with system prices falling fast and the technology and batteries getting better. Solar energy is clean, abundant and most of all, free. Now, even households that can’t install their own rooftop panel can reap the benefits. Solar leasing – paying a fee …

Why is Energy Conservation Important?

A sort of a race is underway in the developed world to “go green” and preserve Mother Earth. From recycling your garbage to drinking from reusable cups and even using environmentally-friendly plant-based detergents, it seems that there are now ways to do everything with less energy. If you are yet to hop on the green wagon …

Solar Powered Water Heater

Hot showers, running a load of laundry, washing dishes – we use hot water in our homes all the time. Heating up the water requires a lot of electricity, manifesting itself in increased electric bills. One novel solution that can help to avoid this problem is solar water heating- using the sun absorbed by your …

Is Closing Vents Bad For Your AC?

Whether it’s cooling off your living space in a hot summer, or heating your home in the midst of winter, you probably agree that your HVAC system is not a cheap affair – according to ENERGYSTAR, heating and cooling your house makes up for about half of the total energy bill. No wonder we continuously …

How Much Electricity Do Christmas Lights Use?

With Christmas just a few weeks away, neighborhoods around America are converted into pockets of festive joy and bright glow of red, green, and white – string lights, tree lights, icicle lights, waving Santas, or Rudolf with a bright red neon nose. If are more of a realist, you might look at Christmas lights as not …

Fun Facts About Electricity

If you are like the rest of us, you probably don’t often think about electricity and when you do, it is usually negative connotations – when your power goes out or when you discover an outrageously high electric bill. But electric energy is actually pretty fascinating and many scientists and environmentalists forecast that in the …

Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

We use electricity for virtually everything in our homes, from turning on the lights, cooking, keeping our food fresh in the refrigerator to powering our TVs, phones, and laptops. Then the electricity bill arrives at the end of the month and sends u into a wave of budgetary panic. If you are one of those …

How Much Does it Cost to Leave a Light On for 24 Hours?

When you start thinking about reducing your energy usage and shaving off a few dollars of your electricity bill, you usually worry about things like the dishwasher, washing machine, or heating. One item you probably don’t think twice about is your light bulbs. Why? They are small, so they can’t consume that much electricity, even …

Are Led Light Bulbs Safe?

We are in the midst of a lighting revolution. In 2010, incandescent light bulbs were installed in 68% of U.S. homes but by 2016, this number dropped to 6%. What are they getting replaced by? LEDs or light-emitting diodes. It’s not surprising – LEDs are almost twice as efficient, last 25 times longer, and are …

How to Find the Best Energy Provider in Fort Worth?

They say that Fort Worth embodies Texas – where else can you find the cowboy culture and urban sophistication seamlessly merging together than in Texas’ fifth-largest city? But it’s not only the cattle trade history, top-notch restaurants, and architecture that makes Fort Worth attractive. The Lone Star State also enjoys the state’s deregulated energy market, …

Utility Bill Audit

If you think that your energy company overcharged you on your bills, you are not alone. According to the Department of National Utilities Refund, an average of 79% of companies suffer overcharges and billing errors. One way to know for sure is to hire a utility bill auditor. Energy Bill Audits So what are energy bill …

What Temperature to Leave a Vacant House in Summer?

Summer might officially be over, but September can bring a wide variety of weather across the U.S, including late-season heat waves. Whether you leave your house to go to work every morning or planning a late summer vacation, you might be wondering what temperature to leave your vacant house to avoid ranking up the energy bills. …

benefits of recycling

How Does Recycling Save Energy?

Why recycle? You are probably familiar with the quiet, yet nudging voice in the back of your head that goes ‘You should recycle that’ every time you throw a soda can into an all-purpose garbage bin. Recycling is like eating more vegetables or watching less TV – we all know that we should do it …

how to cancel electricity when moving

Can I Cancel My Electricity Contract?

You shopped around for electric suppliers, found a great offer, signed a contract, and switched. You should now be kicking back and enjoying the savings pouring in, but you can’t. For whatever reason, you now want to get out of the contract and are wondering if it’s possible. Although we can’t guarantee to get you …

Free Nights and Weekends Energy Plan, Is it a Good Deal?

As consumers, we are always on the lookout for the next bargain, so when the magic word ‘free’ is uttered in relation to a usually expensive product, such as electricity, we have to know more. At some point, you might have come across an energy provider advertising a ‘free nights and weekends electricity plan and …

How to Choose the Best Electricity Supplier?

Looking for a new electric supplier can be daunting – there are so many rates, plans, and contract types out there, and trying to navigate through it all can ultimately deter you from switching. Don’t worry, we are here to help. Below is everything you need to know about choosing the best electricity supplier. Let’s …

What Is The Difference Between Electric Delivery And Supply?

You probably don’t stop and think about your electric bills too much, apart from an exasperated sigh that energy prices keep going up every year. If you have given your bills a second look, you must have found various separate charges that keep changing every month – and you might be wondering why? We believe …

How Does Energy Deregulation Work?

Imagine that you would only be able to buy groceries from one supermarket – the one closest to your house – and as a result, this supermarket would be able to charge you a lot higher prices. This was the state of the energy industry in the United States, before the deregulation of electricity market …

How To Install Solar Panels On Roof

If you are considering installing a solar panel for your home, there are a number of things you will need to figure out – including the type, direction, and inter-connection system for your panels. Even if you decide to leave the actual installation work to a professional, it’s good to be aware of the basic …

How Much Does It Cost To Run An Electric Heater

Why Should You Buy A Space Heater? When it’s cold outside, cozying up next to an electric heater can be so comfortable. These portable devices work by lighting up a wire coil and then using a small built-in fan to blow the heat out into space. Heaters can be a great addition to your central …

How Much Electricity Does A Space Heater Use?

When it comes to your electricity bill, your choice of electric appliances (and how effectively you use them) can have a significant impact. Electric space heaters provide a quick and efficient way to heat small to moderate-sized spaces and rooms in winter and have the added benefit of not requiring fuel to run. However, this …

What Is a Terawatt?

When you woke up this morning, you probably turned on the lamp in your room. You then switched on your computer, went into the kitchen, boiled the kettle, and turned on the oven to start making breakfast. Congratulations! You have used approximately 2 to 5 kilowatt-hours of energy. You’ll most likely use some tomorrow and …

How Does Maryland Produce Its Electricity?

Maryland has worked hard to ramp up its energy efficiency, set goals for lowering emissions from energy production, and build its renewable energy generation capacity. “In 2017, Maryland ranked among the top 10 most energy-efficient states in the nation,” says the Environmental Information Administration (EIA). Here are Maryland’s primary sources of electricity generation, ranked by …

Surprising Disadvantages of Using Solar Energy

Solar energy is a renewable resource that has received a lot of attention thanks to the various benefits of using it as a source for electricity generation. While there are many advantages to using solar power, there are also several downsides that the public should be aware of. Solar energy is expensive. Concentrated solar power …

Benefits of Coal as an Electricity Generation Source

Despite getting a bad name in the media, Coal is a reliable and abundant resource fueling the modern western society.  Coal has been fueling our lives since it first spawned the Industrial Revolution back in the late 1700s. To this day, coal remains one of our primary sources of energy and provides tens of thousands of …

How Does Connecticut Produce Its Electricity?

Despite its high electricity prices, Connecticut’s electricity consumption is quite low. “Demand for air conditioning is low during the mild summer months, and only about one in six Connecticut households use electricity as a primary source for home heating in winter,” says the Environmental Information Administration (EIA). However, as electric cars gain popularity, demand will …

5 States with the Best Solar Panel Installation Incentives

Are you wondering if your state is on the list of the top solar supporters? Or are you considering such factors in an upcoming move? In addition to incentive programs that offer grants or loans, it’s important to look at how quickly you can recoup your costs by selling energy to the grid. To track …

Renewable Energy Depends on Rare Earth Elements

REEs are used in everything from solar panels to electric cars. Due to environmental and foreign policy concerns, they also have an uncertain future. Rare earth elements are used in everything from renewables to spacecraft and play a critical role in today’s world. Their importance in our society will only increase in the coming years …

How Many Electric Cars are on the Road Today?

Electric cars are growing in popularity year after year. Learn why and find out what the future may hold. The electric car industry is booming. In some countries, electric cars are quickly becoming more the norm than the exception. Look at Norway – in 2019, electric car sales reached a record high, constituting almost 60% …

Does Wind Power Have Any Disadvantages?

Here are the most common concerns raised about wind power. When it comes to renewables and clean electricity, wind power is leading the way in electricity generation. However, no power source is perfect, and several important concerns have emerged about wind. Considering installing a residential wind turbine? Or just looking into whether wind energy is …

Competitive METED Rates Yield Savings Against Default Price

Current METED competitive rates are providing substantial savings opportunities for residential customers looking to lower their electric bill.  The current METED price to compare rate, which is charged to all customers in the area who do not choose a competitive rate plan, has been steady at $0.0684 since December 1, 2018.  The lowest competitive METED …

Main Electricity Generation Sources in Pennsylvania

Holding both the coal-rich Appalachian Mountains and the Marcellus Shale, Pennsylvania is rich in both coal and natural gas.  “Although the state is among the top 10 consumers of coal, natural gas, petroleum products, and electricity, it is the second largest net supplier of total energy to other states,” says the Energy Information Administration.  Pennsylvania is the …

Lowest Baltimore Electricity Rates

Maryland cities that deregulated their energy markets more than a decade ago are seeing an expansion in market activity as both customers and suppliers are exploring their options to benefit from the energy choice laws.  The expansion and benefits have been the greatest in Baltimore, the largest city in the state.  For electricity suppliers benefiting …

Benefits of Using Natural Gas as an Energy Source

An economical solution to electricity generation. There are numerous advantages besides cheap electricity that natural gas has to offer. Natural gas is not only abundant but additionally serves as a reliable, clean, cost-effective, and safe solution to our energy needs. If you’re looking to learn more about the benefits of natural gas, then this article …

Negative Environmental Effects of Electric Cars

The majority of people assume that electric cars provide an obvious benefit to the environment and are thus the future of the auto industry.  However, upon a deep dive into the statistics many people might start wondering:  Will purchasing an electric car reduce my carbon footprint? Are you wondering whether investing in an electric car …

Why Does the PECO Price to Compare Change Often?

If you’ve lived in the greater Philadelphia area for a long time there is a chance that you have grown accustomed to accepting and paying whatever rate PECO Energy slaps on the monthly electric bill.  Since Pennsylvania electricity choice became an active market in the PECO service area in 2010 you may have noticed that …

Top Electricity Generation Sources in Texas

From traditional sources like coal to up-and-comers like wind and solar, here’s how Texans get their electricity. Though Texas led the country in oil production in 2016, it has also achieved impressive results with alternative fuels. These up-and-coming energy production leaders are on track to dominate electricity generation in Texas in the not-so-distant future. This …

3 Surprising Benefits of Nuclear Energy

The U.S. produces the largest amount of nuclear energy of any nation in the world. “It generated just under 805 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2017—enough to power 73 million homes,” says Operable nuclear reactors totaled 99 in the same year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Nuclear plants and the …

Massachusetts Electricity Generation Sources

As a highly populated state, Massachusetts consumes more electricity than it generates. To be exact, it consumes 12 times as much as it produces. However, Massachusetts is also a leader in renewable electricity generation technologies. Read on to learn about the fast-changing landscape of energy production in the Bay State. Natural Gas As coal and …

Harmful Impacts of Using Coal for Electricity Generation

Although coal remains widely used throughout the world, coal-powered electricity is under attack as countries and the private sector are increasingly seeing more options to generate electricity supply for a service area. The U.K. plans to cease all coal-powered electricity production by 2025, and in the U.S., coal consumption is dropping to the lowest level …

4 Factors that Determine Wholesale Electricity Prices

If you’re a large electricity buyer, this guide will help you get the best value for your money. Electricity is typically sold wholesale before consumers purchase it at retail prices. If you’re a large industrial business, you may have a wholesale purchasing agreement for your power. That means you get wholesale electricity prices in exchange …

Connecticut Businesses Face Electricity Price Hike to Start New Year

Many Connecticut business owners will get a sticker shock in February when they receive their Eversource electric bill. The February electric bills will contain fees and charges for electricity service for the majority of the month of January. On January 1, 2019 small and medium sized businesses received a large bump in the generation supply …

BGE Electric Supply Price Comparison 2019 Information

As 2019 begins, residential customers in the BGE service area in Maryland are being offered attractive electricity rates that can assist in lowering their electric bills.   In the first five months of the new year, the default electricity supply price is set at $0.08076.  Meanwhile, several competitive suppliers are offering fixed rates below $0.080 resulting …