Electricity Bill for One Bedroom Apartment

average electric bill for apartment

You have just signed the lease for your new apartment and you are ready to start your adventure, but there is one thing weighing you down. How much will the expenses be? Will the utilities be expensive? Estimating Texas your power bills can go a long way in providing you some peace of mind. Learning how to reduce them is even better. Let’s look at how to do both.

What’s a Normal Electric Bill for an Apartment?

Before you move to your new place, you should have at least a rough estimate of your regular future expenses. Your rent will undoubtedly consume the largest chunk of your money, but it won’t be your only cost – you will get insurance, a cable, an internet bill – and of course, your heating and cooling energy costs.

Is it possible to predict what your electricity bill will be? While it’s not an exact science, being aware of your consumption and a basic understanding of how is the electricity bill calculated will at least land you in the right ballpark.

You can start by asking your landlord or property manager for utility estimates. If the previous tenant is around and seems friendly, he could be a great source of information. Of course, be aware that your consuming habits might be very different – ask him to list the frequently used appliances to get a better idea.

If you can’t get your hand on an estimate from a landlord or a previous tenant, you can use some rough estimates available on the internet. ForRent.com, an online blog that advertises rental listings has the following estimates for average electricity and heat bills:

average kwh usage 2 bedroom apartment

The size of the apartment will make a great difference to your energy bill. So will your current kWh plan. Finally, your consumption habits will play a role – do you keep your AC unit running all day and electronics plugged in overnight? How much emphasis do you put on energy-efficiency?

Best Electricity Plans for a 1 Bedroom Apartment

Today there are 18 US states with deregulated electricity and 27 US states with deregulated natural gas. It means that rather than having to accept the energy price from your state utility company, customers in these deregulated states can sign up for rates offered by retail energy providers (REPs), often at a lower price.

Another good reason to sign up for an alternative plan is that most utility companies raise the default rates by a significant amount, especially in the winter. At the end of 2020, major utilities in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Connecticut announced rate hikes – NSTAR, a large utility company supplying Connecticut and parts of Maine announced an increase in energy prices by up to 20%.

If you live in the energy-deregulated US territory, you can compare available electricity plans on our website by entering your zip code. We review all major suppliers in the U.S. to advertise only reliable and affordable rates from trustworthy partners.

Electricity Usage in Apartments Vs Houses

On average, electricity usage in houses is much higher than in apartments. The shared wall and adjacent apartments reduce heating and cooling loss to the outside. In addition, the greater the square footage, the more energy you will use for heating and cooling it. Since the air conditioner and the central heater make up nearly half of your utility bill each month, having a large, two-story house can significantly drive up your expenses.

How Much Electricity Does a 1 Bedroom Apartment Use?

The average one-bedroom apartment clocks in at 743 square feet. This amount of space will consume approximately 750 kWh each month. Every additional square foot will add approximately 0.5 kWh to your usage. It means that if your apartment is 900 square feet, your approximate usage will be 750 + 150(x 0.5) or 825 kWh.

Of course, this is not an exact science. If you want to arrive at a more precise result, the best way is to add up the wattage of all appliances in your apartment and multiply them by the number of hours you intend to use them each month.

The calculation formula is pretty straight-forward:

Device Wattage (watts) x Hours Used Per Day = Watt-hours (Wh) per Day / 1000 = Kilowatt-hours (kWh) per Day x 28 = kWhs per Month

For example, If you watch your 125-watt television approximately 4 hours per day, you end up consuming 125 watts x 3 hours x 28 days = 10,500 Wh/Month / 1000 = 10,5 kWh/ Month.

Of course, doing this for every single appliance would be very tedious so to help you calculate your electricity bill, we created a table with simple averages for the main appliances in your home.

Electric Rates for a 1 Bedroom Apartment

Whether you are leaving the nest to move into your first apartment, or you’re in the process of downsizing from a two-story house, you are probably thinking about how to keep the living expenses down. When it comes to electricity, you should choose a plan that best fits your needs and allows you to live comfortably, without stressing about the electricity bill each month.

Below you can find the best rates for apartments, available in different service areas within Texas:

Dallas-Fort Worth


Rates Include Transmission and Distribution Charges

Provider Plan Term Rate  
6 months
8.92¢ / kWh
12 months
9.45¢ / kWh
24 months
9.95¢ / kWh
Frontier Utilities
12 months
10.04¢ / kWh
14 months
10.41¢ / kWh

Corpus Christi

AEP Central

Provider Plan Term Rate  
6 months
8.64¢ / kWh
12 months
9.30¢ / kWh
Frontier Utilities
12 months
9.90¢ / kWh
24 months
9.92¢ / kWh
14 months
10.17¢ / kWh

Houston Metropolitan Area

CenterPoint (CPE)

Rates Include Transmission and Distribution Charges

Provider Plan Term Rate  
6 months
9.51¢ / kWh
12 months
9.84¢ / kWh
24 months
10.31¢ / kWh
Frontier Utilities
12 months
10.60¢ / kWh
14 months
10.67¢ / kWh

Electricity Plans for a One-Bedroom Apartment in Texas

If you are moving into a new apartment in Texas, the good news is that there is almost an unlimited choice of electricity suppliers! Texas has one of the most sophisticated deregulated energy markets in the U.S., with hundreds of REPs competing for the attention of customers. How to sort through the sea of offers and find the right plan?

average electric bill for 1 bedroom apartment in texas

Watch Out for Promotional Rates - Some electricity companies will offer a low introductory or promotional rate for the first few months of service. This could sound like a great opportunity, but before you know it, you are locked into a contract with a lot higher rate than what you originally signed up for. Find a supplier with simple, straightforward rates with no 'catch'. The Texas supplier TriEagle Energy's plan Eagle 12, is a simple, 12 months plan for a fixed rate of 10.9¢ for one year.

average kwh usage 1 bedroom apartment

Understand your electricity usage - The advertised electricity rates you will find on suppliers’ websites are almost always based on specific usage. If you use less electricity, your rate will be higher. Apartments usually use less electricity on average (approximately 750 kWh), so you want to find a plan with a cheap rate for similar usage. 4Change Generous Saver 12 for 8.5¢ is a good value plan for households with lower usage.

average water bill for 2 bedroom apartment

Invest in energy efficiency - Some suppliers are committed to helping you reduce your usage. TriEagle Energy's 12 months SMART Energy 12 includes a Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat that will automatically adjust your air conditioner and heat in your apartment, for the most optimum electricity usage. The less electricity you use, the more money you have to put towards the rent and living expenses.

How to Cut Apartment Electricity Costs

Once you are settled in your apartment, there are many things you can do to increase energy efficiency and reduce your electricity cost.

Adjust the Thermostat

A programmable thermostat will automatically turn off or reduce the air conditioning of your living space when you are away or asleep and can save you up to $180 per year. Some newer versions can learn your daily routines and program themselves, like this Nest thermostat from Google. A pro tip -some electric suppliers offer a free programmable thermostat device and other services when you sign up for one of their electric plans.

Use Ceiling Fans

Air conditioning in apartments can be quite expensive – so don’t rely upon only the AC to keep your place cool during summer and toasty in the winter. Ceiling fans are a cost-efficient, all-year option for regulating the temperature.  Spinning them counter-clockwise in summer will create a cool breeze while clockwise movement in winter will circulate warm air.

Buy LED Light Bulbs

When you need to buy new light bulbs, replace them with LEDs. Incredibly, LED light bulbs to use at least 75% less energy, and last 25 times longer, than incandescent lighting. That means that if you currently have 30 light bulbs at home, you can save up to $200 annually if you upgrade all light bulbs to LEDs. Plus, they will last you significantly longer!

Use Window Treatments

Heat gain and loss through windows are responsible for 25%–30% of your energy bill. Upgrading the windows in your entire house can be expensive, so if your windows are still in good condition, invest in cheap window treatments:

Take Advantage of Time-of-Use Electricity Rates

Free electricity might sound too good to be true. but many Texas electric suppliers offer Time-of-Use plans when the electricity during the night or over the weekend comes with a zero price tag. If you are willing to run your washing machine or a dishwasher at night, you can be saving a lot of money per month. However, you should understand what you are getting into – read our review of free electricity plans to find out what to look out for.

Looking for more tricks? There are multiple ways to make every room in your home efficient and shaving money off your bill. Read our 25 Clever Ways How To Save Money On Utilities In Every Room.


How much electricity should a one-bedroom flat use?

The average one-bedroom apartment clocks in at 743 square feet. These apartments consume approximately 750 kWh per month. Every additional square foot will add approximately 0.5 kWh to your usage. It means that if your apartment is 900 square feet, your approximate usage will be 750 + 150(x 0.5) or 825 kWh. Of course, the exact cost will depend on your electricity usage and the price your pay for kWh of electricity. One thing you can do to lower to reduce your bill is to shop for electricity rates in your zip code, in order to find cheaper options.

How much is the average power bill in an apartment?

According to ForRent.com, an online blog that advertises rental listings, the average monthly electricity bill for a one-bedroom apartment, with one resident is approximately $60 and $45 for natural gas. The exact cost will be heavily influenced by the size of the apartment, the energy plan you are currently signed up for, and your daily habits – it’s important to keep all three in mind.

How much should an electric bill be for a 2 bedroom apartment?

According to ForRent.com, an online blog that advertises rental listings, the average monthly electricity bill for a two-bedroom apartment, with two residents is $76, approximately $10 more expensive than a one-room apartment with two residents. This is due to the larger space that needs to be heated and cooled, adding to the power bills.

How much electricity should a one-bedroom flat use?

The average one-bedroom apartment clocks in at 743 square feet. These apartments consume approximately 750 kWh per month. Every additional square foot will add approximately 0.5 kWh to your usage. It means that if your apartment is 900 square feet, your approximate usage will be 750 + 150(x 0.5) or 825 kWh. Of course, the exact cost will depend on your electricity usage and the price your pay for kWh of electricity. One thing you can do to lower to reduce your bill is to shop for electricity rates in your zip code, in order to find cheaper options.

How much is the average power bill in an apartment?

According to ForRent.com, an online blog that advertises rental listings, the average monthly electricity bill for a two-bedroom apartment, with two residents is $76, approximately $10 more expensive than a one-room apartment with two residents. This is due to the larger space that needs to be heated and cooled, adding to the power bills.

How much should an electric bill be for a 2 bedroom apartment?

According to ForRent.com, an online blog that advertises rental listings, the average monthly electricity bill for a two-bedroom apartment, with two residents is $76, approximately $10 more expensive than a one-room apartment with two residents. This is due to the larger space that needs to be heated and cooled, adding to the power bills.

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