NSTAR (Eversource Energy) Price to Compare Increase 20%

NSTAR (Eversource Energy) customers will be among the Massachusetts residents who will see their electric bills swell up next year. The utility company has filed with the Massachusetts DPU to raise both residential and commercial default electric rates (known as the ‘Price To Compare’) starting January 2021.

For NSTAR residential customers, this means an increase of a staggering 20%, from the current rate of $0.09877 per kWh to $0.11173 per kWh.


For NSTAR small business and industrial customers, the current rate of $0.09460 per kWh goes up to $0.11173 per kWh, an increase of 18%.

In most areas of Maine, consumers can choose who supplies their electricity, thanks to the deregulation of the energy industry. Those not switching to another electric supplier before January 2021 will see their next bill go up by nearly one fifth, thanks to the price hikes.

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