PECO Electricity Savings

Electric rates in the PECO energy area increased to $0.0992 cents per Kilowatt hour on January 1, 2011 when rate caps expired.  Rates are estimated to increase to $0.1014 in April and be as high as $0.1140 starting in June (source:

PECO competitive rates can be fixed, which locks the rate in for a specified period of time, or variable, which gives the customer the flexibility to leave the alternative electricity company at any time.  Below is a low fixed electric rate for PECO customers.  The savings of 5% are for the current PECO default rates that will expire on March 31.  PECO default rates will go up in April through June.

Current competitive residential PECO Electricity Rates and Savings (Updated Daily):

PECO Energy

9.27¢ Price to Compare

Through February 28, 2025

Provider Plan Term Rate Savings  
6 months
9.19¢ / kWh

Save 1%

Direct Energy
8 months
9.29¢ / kWh
Direct Energy
12 months
9.69¢ / kWh
Clearview Energy
9 months
9.89¢ / kWh
Clearview Energy
6 months
10.19¢ / kWh

Electric rates for PECO electricity customers had been fixed since 1997.  Now that PECO has a fully competitive deregulated electricity market, PECO customers can save on their electricity by finding a lower electric rate than the high default electric rates that PECO offers.

PECO energy is not responsible for the generation and transmission components of the electric bill.  This is the portion of the bill that has been deregulated.  PECO does however still charge for their distribution services as they are responsible for delivering power to their customers.  As part of the deregulation bill, PECO has been given the responsibility by the state to provide default electricity rates to customers who do not choose an alternative electricity supplier.

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