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PECO Electric Rates

PECO Residential Rates

  • You Now Have a Choice when it comes to who supplies your electricity
  • You can Save 15-28% on your monthly PECO electric bill
  • No Switching Fees, No Interruption of Service, and PECO remains your electric utility.

PECO PTC vs ElectricRate Graph by ElectricRate

PECO Commercial Rates

Call us for a PECO Commercial Rate. Current competitive commercial PECO rates are lower than the commercial price to compare default rate being offered by PECO in 2023.

PECO Electricity Rates

PECO Energy

9.24¢ Price to Compare

Through November 30, 2024

Provider Plan Term Rate Savings  
Tomorrow Energy
6 months
6.78¢ / kWh

Save 27%

Clearview Energy
9 months
7.79¢ / kWh

Save 16%

6 months
8.49¢ / kWh

Save 9%

Direct Energy
8 months
8.59¢ / kWh

Save 8%

Clearview Energy
6 months
9.09¢ / kWh

Save 2%

Shop for Lower PECO Electric Rates

Why Switch Providers?

Electricity choice in Pennsylvania allows consumers to choose who they purchase their energy supply from. If you do nothing, you pay a default rate with your local utility company (PECO, PPL, Duquesne, Met-Ed). Consumers can shop for lower rates that can save them money on their monthly electric bills. They may also be interested in shopping for green energy plans that support the environment.

How Does it Work?

Once you choose a competitive electricity plan, the new supplier contacts your utility company and notifies them of the switch. The switch happens electronically during your next meter read date. You do not have to spend time waiting for a technician to come to your house, nor will there be an interruption of power service. You will simply start receiving an electric bill with the new lower rate.

No Additional Charges!

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission ensures that all residential electricity price offers are an apples-to-apples comparison to the utility default “Price to Compare”. This means that what you see is what you get. There are no additional set up charges or any other surprises.

Will PECO be Upset if I Switch?

No! PECO is your local regulated electric utility company, which means they are in charge of delivering power to your home and maintaining the lines and wires. They do not profit from the default “Price to Compare” generation rates that are on the bill. Instead they pass this money through to competitive energy companies who have won previously held auctions to supply default customers. PECO encourages their customers to shop for competitive generation rates.
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Current Lowest PECO Electricity Prices

• You Now Have a Choice when it comes to who supplies your electricity

• You can Save 15-28% on your monthly electric bill • No Switching Fees, No Interruption of Service, and PECO remains your electric utility.

About Electric Choice

Customers who have not chosen a competitive supplier pay the PECO default rate for electric supply. The rate is determined by an auction that PECO holds for electric suppliers to bid on the right to service default rate customers. Competitive rates will save you money on your electric bill.

Save Money While Remaining a PECO Customer

PECO wants you to shop and find a lower rate! This is because PECO is a regulated utility in charge of the electricity delivery. They will remain the company you call in the event of power failure, and they will also continue to send you your monthly electric bill.

Generation Charges

The costs to purchase electricity are passed along to customers at exactly the prices that PECO pays. The generation charges for residential customers has increased to 10.31¢ / kWh beginning June 1, 2023. The charge is $103.10 per month for a typical residential customer using 1000 kWh of electricity per month.

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