Man shopping for the lowest electric rates in Baltimore

Low 2024 Electric Rates in Baltimore

Electric Choice Shopping Activity in BGE by ElectricRate

Shopping for Lower BGE Rates

Searching for low electric rates in Baltimore is still a foreign concept for many consumers who might not be aware of the Maryland energy choice market that exists. It is important that these non shopping power customers get a grip on the changes going on in their state so that they can stop paying higher electricity bills than is necessary.

Prior to electricity choice in Baltimore consumers were forced to pay the electric rate that was offered by BG&E. Though this rate was regulated by the Maryland Public Service Commission, it gave the people of Baltimore no purchasing power. Today power users can shop the market and find an electricity rate plan that best fits their needs.

Provider Plan Term Rate  

About BGE Electricity Choice

Infographic discussing the myths and benefits of BGE electricity choice in Maryland

Through the energy choice law, BG&E continues to serve as the power delivery company for all of the customers that fall within its territory. Those customers who do not shop pay a default rate for power generation and supply.

BG&E customers looking to reduce their BG&E electric bills can shop for low electric rates in Baltimore being offered by competitive energy companies. If the competitive electricity rate is lower than the Baltimore Gas & Electric price to compare default rate the customer will save money on their electricity bill.

There are number of elements that have served as a source of confusion to BGE customers centered around Maryland electricity choice. Some facts that all BGE customers should understand are as follows:

  • BGE will not get mad at you if you switch to a competitive electricity supplier
  • BGE does not profit off of the electricity supply portion of your bill
  • BGE profits are derived from the regulated distribution charges found on your bill
  • BGE’s primary focus is the delivery of power to their customers and the upkeep and management of the lines and wires throughout their service area
  • BGE will continue to send you your monthly electric bill even if you enroll in a lower electric rate plan; the new rate plan will replace the BGE default SOS rate

Will the quality of my power change if I switch to a lower Baltimore electric rate plan?

No. There will be no power interruptions or lower quality of service experienced as a result of switching Baltimore electricity suppliers.

What happens if the Baltimore electricity supplier I choose goes out of business?

If your supplier goes out of business you will automatically be put back on the BGE standard offer service default rate. You will not lose power as a result of your supplier going out of business.

If there is a power outage, will BGE be slow to get the power back on in my home if I choose a competitive Maryland electric supplier.

No. The BGE power line repair and emergency teams will continue to treat you the same no matter who you choose to purchase your power from. This is regulated by the Maryland Public Service Commission

Is it bad to be on a variable rate in BGE? recommends that customers lock in a low fixed electric rate in order to avoid price hikes that can take place and cause variable rates to spike.

If you live in Baltimore do you have to use BGE?

No, not as your electricity supplier. If you live in Baltimore you can choose a different Maryland electricity supplier who will provide you with your power. However, BGE will remain your power delivery company no matter which supplier you choose.

What is the BGE Electric Choice ID

The BGE Choice ID number is a 10 digit number that you will need to switch onto a competitive electricity rate plan. The Choice ID number is different than your Account Number, though both can be found on your BGE electric bill.

Where do I find my BGE Electric Choice ID

On page 1 of your BGE electric bill. See the sample picture below.

Sample BGE Electric Bill with Choice ID Highlighted

When shopping for competitive Maryland electric rates, be sure to use your BGE Electric Choice ID and not your Account Number when enrolling. The enrollment will get rejected if you use the wrong number. The Choice ID can be found on page 1 of your BGE bill. Also make sure it is your Electric Choice ID and not your Gas Choice ID when choosing an electricity plan. Use the Gas Choice ID when shopping for competitive Maryland gas rates.

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