Compare 2024 Delmarva Power Rates in Maryland

Delmarva MD Price to Compare vs ElectricRate Graph by Todd Yasbin

Avoid the Delmarva MD SOS 2023 Rate Increase

When customers talk about comparing electric rates in the Delmarva MD service area they are usually referring to a comparison agains the utility SOS rate. Customers who do not shop for a competitive electric rate in Maryland are placed on the Delmarva SOS default rate which stands for ‘Standard Offer Service’ and sometimes also referred to as the Delmarva price to compare rate.

In 2023 the Delmarva SOS rate in Maryland is increasing periodically. Throughout the entire 2023 Delmarva Power customers in Maryland on the default rate for electricity will experience a 26.72% increase from January 2023 to December 2023.

Coming into 2023 the SOS rate was at 8.98¢ per kWh before going up to 10.12¢ on June 1. On October 1, 2023 the rate will rise again to 11.38¢. The price increase from 8.98¢ to 11.38¢ represents the 26.72% increase that will be seen on Delmarva electric bills throughout the year.

These rate increases can be avoided in Delmarva by simply shopping for a lower competitive Maryland electricity rate. A low fixed rate can save customers on the default rate money right away as well as protect them from future rate increases. Below are a list of competitive Delmarva Power electric rates offered in Maryland. Rates are updated in real time.

Delmarva Power MD

11.45¢ Price to Compare

Through May 31, 2025

Provider Plan Term Rate Savings  
Direct Energy
6 months
12.49¢ / kWh
Direct Energy
12 months
12.49¢ / kWh
Direct Energy
18 months
12.69¢ / kWh
24 months
13.29¢ / kWh
12 months
13.69¢ / kWh

Delmarva Electricity Shopping Activity in Maryland

Many Delmarva Power customers are still unaware of their ability to purchase their electricity from a alternative electricity supplier.  The most recent data from the Maryland Public Service Commission shows that as of April 30, 2023 only 8.8%  of residential customers who receive their electricity from Delmarva Power in Maryland were purchasing it from a competitive supplier.  Seven years ago the same report released on March 31, 2016 indicated that 15.2% were purchasing their power from a competitive supplier at that time

Statewide 13.8%  of residential customers have switched suppliers with the largest utility, BG&E, leading the way with a quarter (17.4%) of the residential customers electing to participate in Maryland electricity choice.  In March of 2016 the data showed that 21% of residential customers across the state had switched with BGE again leading the way with 25% of their customers participating in the Maryland electricity choice market.

Why So Few Have Switched

Electric Choice Shopping Activity in Delmarva MD by Todd Yasbin

Due to the large capital investment required to enter a new electricity market, when Maryland first became a competitive market more energy suppliers entered the BG&E market and held off on Delmarva Power. The marketing efforts of these suppliers lead to more BG&E customers becoming educated on the benefits of electricity choice. With only a handful of competitive suppliers in Delmarva at this time, the awareness of alternative options has been a lagging process.

It is unclear as to why the Delmarva Power customer pool has lagged behind the state’s other service areas in electricity shopping activity, however there are a few theories.  First, Delmarva Power’s small size may have stunted the growth early on in the early stages of Maryland’s electricity choice life.  As the smallest utility in Maryland servicing under 200,000 residential customers, Delmarva Power is about one-sixth the size of BG&E. 

Understanding the Delmarva MD Service Number

Another reason is the complications of finding the correct choice ID number on the Delmarva electric bill. In order to switch to a competitive Maryland electricity supplier a Delmarva customer must provide their 22 digit service number which can be found on the electric bill. In addition to the Service Number, a 12 digit Account Number exists on the bill which often gets customers confused about which number to provide. 

Delmarva Power MD electric bill with Service Number highlighted

The Service Number is relatively new going into effect at the beginning of 2015.  Prior to that competitive suppliers needed to collect the Delmarva Account Number. Some industry workers believe that many Delmarva customers being the comparison process, but then get stuck when trying to find the 22 digit Service Number which is usually found on the second page of the electric bill.

Lower Delmarva Power MD electric bills

Whether or not these reasons are contributing to the lack of shopping activity is unknown, however what is known is that 91% of Delmarva Power residential customers living in Maryland can decrease their electric bills by comparing electricity suppliers.  Customers who have not chosen to purchase their power from a competitive supplier will continue to pay the Delmarva Power Standard Offer Service for electricity generation and transmission. 

Delmarva Power also serves customers in Delaware where the competitive market is very similar to Maryland. Delmarva customers in Delaware can also lower their Delaware electric bills by switching off of the standard offer service and onto a lower competitive electric rate.


Delmarva Power MD

11.45¢ Price to Compare

Through May 31, 2025

Provider Plan Term Rate Savings  
Direct Energy
6 months
12.49¢ / kWh
Direct Energy
12 months
12.49¢ / kWh
Direct Energy
18 months
12.69¢ / kWh
24 months
13.29¢ / kWh
12 months
13.69¢ / kWh

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