PPL Business Price to Compare Increase in December 2017
If you own a business in Pennsylvania and still use PPL (Pennsylvania Power and Light) as your default supplier you can expect a higher electric bill in January. Starting in December the Business PPL Price-to-Compare rate will increase to 7.701 cents per kWh. According to Papowerswitch.com, more than 55% of PPL customers have switched over to a competitive supplier. This is not too surprising given the uncertainty surrounding PPL’s default rate. The next price change is set to take place in June with a new rate that has yet to be determined.
The percentage of businesses opting out of the default rate with PPL is expected to increase through 2018. It is not uncommon for a business to save 10-20% by locking in a low fixed price with a competitive supplier. If you are thinking of choosing a supplier keep in mind your business will still receive one electric bill from PPL that will incorporate both your delivery and supply charges. Although consolidated billing is the most common choice, you can select dual billing and receive a separate bill for your supply charges.
If your business makes the jump to a competitive supplier in 2018, keep in mind PPL will continue to maintain the lines and wires that deliver the electricity to your business. If you experience a power outage or a down power line you should still contact PPL. They will continue to be responsible for delivering electricity to your business. The quality of power will remain the same and PPL will continue to be your supplier of last resort. The only significant change you will notice by choosing a competitive supplier is the lower supply rate on your electric bill.
The PUC (Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission) must license a competitive electric supplier in order to do business in the state of Pennsylvania. This will assure the quality of service and acts as a safeguard to protect businesses from unethical business practices. If you suspect a supplier of any wrongdoing you can file a complaint directly to the PUC.
Search for competitive PPL electricity rates below from licensed electricity supplies in the state of Pennsylvania.
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