Penn Power Commercial Electricity Rates Going Up 14%
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has approved new tariffed commercial PTC-Default rates filed by the FirstEnergy Pennsylvania utilities, for the three-month period between March 1, 2021, through May 31, 2021.
The new higher rates will impact commercial customers of Penn Power, West Penn Power, Penelec, and Met-Ed.
For Penn Power commercial customers, this means a 14% increase, from the current rate of $0.06616 per kWh to $0.07564 per kWh. For a small business with an average electric usage of 2000 kilowatt-hours, this represents a $19 bump on the utility bill each month. Penn Power serves approximately 165,000 customers within 1,100 square miles of western Pennsylvania.
The commercial customers of Penelec, Penn Power, and West Penn Power will see similar increases to their default rates for the same period. Pennsylvanian businesses looking to avoid paying higher electric prices can opt for a locked, fixed-rate electricity plan with one of Pennsylvania retail energy providers (REPs).
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