Nstar price increase

PECO Customers Will Pay More for Electricity

Electricity customers in Pennsylvania will likely be paying higher residential electricity bills while the small business electricity customers will see their bills lower this fall.

PECO has filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission for new Prices to Compare (PTCs) for residential and small business customers, starting September 1, 2021, and while the prices are not up on the PECO official website yet, the PA Power Switch has already adjusted its PECO rates to reflect the changes.

This means a 3% increase for residential customers, from the current rate of ¢6.402 per kWh to a new rate of ¢6.597 per kWh, starting September 1, 2021. For a household with an average electric usage of 1000 kilowatt-hours per month, this represents a $2 bump on the monthly utility bill.

PECO Energy

9.28¢ Price to Compare

Through August 31, 2024

Provider Plan Term Rate Savings  
Clearview Energy
6 months
7.09¢ / kWh

Save 24%

Tomorrow Energy
9 months
7.18¢ / kWh

Save 23%

Tomorrow Energy
12 months
7.18¢ / kWh

Save 23%

Clearview Energy
12 months
8.19¢ / kWh

Save 12%

Direct Energy
6 months
8.69¢ / kWh

Save 7%

For General Service customers at or below 100 kW, this means a marginal decrease, from the current rate of ¢5.815 per kWh to a new rate of ¢5.755 per kWh, starting September 1, 2021.

PECO is the largest combination utility company in Pennsylvania, serving about 1.6 million electric and over 511,000 natural gas customers. This year, PECO has already gone through a mass rates hike, resulting in higher electric rates for all customer types.

In most areas of Pennsylvania, consumers can choose who supplies their electricity, thanks to the deregulation of the energy industry. Customers hoping to avoid the coming increases in the PECO electricity rates have an opportunity to switch suppliers before the new rates come into effect.

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