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Equitable Gas

About Equitable Gas

Peoples Gas formerly knows as Equitable Gas is the largest natural gas distribution company in Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh, Indiana, Altoona, Clarion, Johnston, and Uniontown), providing natural gas service to approximately 740,000 customers in Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Very recently (March 2020), Peoples Gas was acquired by Essential Utilities, retaining its name, but joining the Essential group of companies.

True to its motto of “making your life better”, Peoples Gas launched an aggressive multi-year effort to replace and upgrade over 3,000 miles of natural gas pipelines in the United States. Unfortunately, that has inevitably resulted in its gas rates increases.

To get in touch with the natural gas company, you can:

Pay Your Equitable Gas Bill

If you live in the Peoples Gas service area and you haven’t switched to an independent provider, you are probably still paying your monthly bill to the provider. Peoples Gas is making your life better by offering customers a variety of options when paying their bills, whether it’s online, over the phone, in person, or by mail.

Here are your options to pay your bill:

Shop For Natural Gas Rates

If you haven’t yet switched to an independent natural gas supplier, it means that you are paying the “default” electric rate from Peoples Gas. In 2019, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Committee has approved another increase of this rate – and it is likely that it will continue to go up in the foreseeable future. Get ahead of this increase and make your own research – by entering your zip code and finding better rates in your service area.


Below are answers to some of the questions you might have about Peoples Gas, the former Equitable Gas company.

How do I contact Peoples Gas?

Customers, who would like to get in touch with People Gas can call 1-800764-0111 or fill in a simple online form on the company website. Alternatively, you can write a letter to Peoples P.O. Box 535323, Pittsburgh, PA 15253-5323.

Is there an app for Peoples Gas?

Yes, the supplier headquartered in Pittsburgh allows its customers to manage their accounts, billing, and receive alerts in a mobile app.

How do I report a gas leak?

If you can smell gas or are suspecting of a gas leak, you should vacate your property immediately and call the Peoples Gas directly at 1-800-400-4271 as soon as possible.

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